On the Nature of Those Who Love Coffee
By: Daniel Fruman
Oft in Kay Rico have I sat and thought,
Tim, as Pygmalion, worked upon thy image,
Sam talked of the marines, his passion hot,
I had no thought in me but Galatea’s visage.
How hot and sweet thy milky lips wouldst taste,
Thy body smooth as porcelain would feel.
And yet, I knew, with my unquenching lust,
I wouldst devour the love that felt so real.
Though, still, thou wouldst not come and made me wait,
I was as Abraham before the Lord –
My mind, upon its shaking knees, prostrate,
Thus doth the smell of coffee warp my lonesome heart.
Double Cortado, my one true love, thou always wilt remain,
Though not of flesh, the mistress of my brain.
Kay Rico Coffee,
2728 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33020
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