The Ignorance of Anti-Semitism

Chiara Bruzzi/ March 14, 2021/ Activism, Guest Writers/ 0 comments

By: Ben Holcman
The ninth of March was not a day that seemed out of the ordinary. I had stayed home from school due to an illness, and during the day, I was nursing a purple Powerade and listening to “Leave the Door Open” by Silk Sonic on repeat. However, around one in the afternoon, my phone started to buzz repeatedly. I glimpsed over, and it was a Twitter notification reading, “Meyers Leonard utters anti-Jewish slur during video-game play”. I could not believe my eyes. I immediately denied the validity of this statement. However, I then viewed the video, and my jaw dropped. I was both shocked and stunned. To remind any reader of what the situation was, Meyers had complained about “cowards” trying to snipe him in a first-person shooter. He then pauses for a second or two and confidently proclaims,“you fucking…k**e bitch!”. He then carries on playing whatever game he was playing until he takes a phone call, supposedly from his wife, and promptly concludes his stream there. I played that footage constantly for the next five minutes, all whilst my dismay grew.


La Vida es un Sueño

Chiara Bruzzi/ March 14, 2021/ Guest Writers, Relationships/ 0 comments

By: Sofia Fuentes
Many nights I spent awake, many nights I wasn’t sure whether I was asleep or not. Women from different eras crossed my room: dresses, corsets, feathers, hoop skirts. I seemed to go unnoticed. They entered my open door and left out the window. Outside my window a twenty-four-floor building. Late-night parties put me to sleep. Every day it was someone’s birthday. I listened each night to the name of the person they celebrated. Felicidades Anita. Felicidades Carmen. Felicidades Antonio. Awake, a celebration of life. Asleep, a boy stands on the roof of the twenty-fourth floor. Staring into the distance, he contemplates ending it. From my window, I look at him, naively, wondering where his bed is and why he is not in it. My gut builds up tension. Voiceless, I scream at him. The silence fills my room, his mind, and the air between us both. Like the women passing through my room, he is oblivious. Before I can move, his body drops twenty-four floors down, and I awaken, drowning in a pillow full of tears, and I recover my breath uneasily.



Chiara Bruzzi/ March 5, 2021/ Guest Writers, Mindset/ 0 comments

By: Mariapia Onorato Caruso
The future is so unpredictable that I am not sure why we spend so much time worrying and thinking about it. Two of my family members died last year and another one has been in the hospital since. Unexpected, but it happened. I wish that I had spent more time with my uncle but every time I would think to go visit him or to text him, I would think “Oh I have so many years ahead of me to spend time with him”. We hold back from doing something now because we think tomorrow is a guarantee. That there will always be a tomorrow, another day to spend time with family, another day to tell someone you love them, but in reality instead of thinking so much about what you can do in the future, what holds you back from doing it now?


The Little One

Chiara Bruzzi/ January 29, 2021/ Guest Writers, Relationships/ 1 comments

By: Camila Serrano
You ask me what it’s like being the youngest child? Listen to me. Here I am, rarely called by the right name, being coddled by my parents, and with a layer of thick skin from all the “you were a mistake” jokes. I will tell you. Listen to me. Put yourself in my hand-me-down clothes and hear me. The little one. My name is Camila, but ever since the day I was born my dad refers to me as “the little one” – a logical nickname, as I was not only the smallest baby in weight and height out of the three children, but the youngest in age as well. As I got older, I did not grow out of this nickname like I hoped. Instead, it was now being used by my mom, my sisters, my friends, and even my boyfriend. Do I like it? No, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. It has become a part of my identity, it’s who I am.


A Few Thoughts on Being a Published Author

Chiara Bruzzi/ January 15, 2021/ Guest Writers, Mindset/ 0 comments

By: Daniel Fruman
It’s there. Laying on my desk. Just another object amid a clutter of papers, pens, trinkets, and books. Except this one is special. This one has my name on the top and is packed to the brim with words that I spent countless hours, sleepless nights, and lonely days writing. And it doesn’t matter. It’s just another thing cluttering my desk.
Ok, that’s not necessarily the case. I’m not a nihilist, nor am I a completely modest prude, to think so lowly of something that I breathed from forth the ether. However, it’s really starting to lose value. When I first decided I was going to publish a book, I saw it as this incredible milestone – an achievement that will alter my life. I shall be beloved and famed for this deed; I shall be raised to Heaven on the wings of Valkyries.


Conservative Catholic School: A Toxic Environment

Chiara Bruzzi/ January 15, 2021/ Activism, Guest Writers/ 1 comments

By: Anonymous
What I believe is to be the largest factor in the toxicity of these teachings is misinformation. These people who hold places of authority above students misuse their jobs and often say things that come directly from the misinformation they believe and the opinions they choose to support. The following are some examples of statements (not exact quotes) that I’ve heard first hand that accurately portray the way they use misinformation to express their opinions: “The Christian white man is the most oppressed group in America because they cannot hide behind their race or gender. Nobody defends them.”
“Gays and blacks rule society because they get to blame everything on homophobia and racism.”
“Abortion is wrong, but when they find the gay gene and start aborting all of the gay babies, I don’t want to hear the liberals complaining.”


How Abuse and Depression Changed my Ability to Love

Chiara Bruzzi/ January 1, 2021/ Guest Writers, Relationships/ 1 comments

By: Miranda Marquez
Numbing it out, it’s all something you see in tv shows where the characters are looking for someone to pick them up when they can’t do it themselves. It seems dramatic, but that is what we look for most of the time: someone to do what we can’t do ourselves. It is easy to feel nothing, not to be hurt, or to at least pretend to don’t feel it. But you stop loving; you stop caring; you kill all those happy feelings, those things that can make your day. As a 14-year-old, I was the most joyful child, filled with friends, but, at some point along the way, I followed the wrong path. I got into a relationship where I was taught that abuse was love. It turns out that that’s not true. Once that moment in your life is over, you are worse off than before. You’re left with those bruises that won’t wash off, and what can a 14-year-old kid do with that? How can a teenager deal with emotions bigger than herself?