By: Sebastian Giugovaz
It’s a peaceful Friday night. I sit back in a chair in my backyard, listening to the nocturnal ambiance that surrounds me: the song of the crickets, the breeze that wooshes through the trees, the eerie silence of the moon. For me, it is a time of introspection, a time to immerse myself in thought. I dig deep within myself, but I encounter a fog in my mind, a blur. Like a camera lens trying to focus, I try to understand and visualize my purpose in this life, what I want to do with my future. In a time where change is imminent, knowing what you want is crucial, so society says. The pressures of a 17-year-old adolescent choosing the next step in his life, the rapid change from boy to man, and the expectations set for him by others, all swirl in my head, creating a typhoon of concern and fear. As I attempt to keep this storm of emotions at bay, I continue to encounter this murkiness. I have no idea what I want to do or what the future has in store for me. No matter how hard I try, I can’t visualize a clear path in my life.